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AX ERP for Manufacturing

ERP for Manufacturing


In today's manufacturing world, everything is more

complex: your products, your supply chain, and

your customers’ requirements.  

Handling manufacturing operations, front office

service and back office accounting in a single

package is even more daunting, especially in a

world where business models can change rapidly,

at a moment’s notice. 


So how do you manage it all and still make a profit? With Ellipse Solutions and

Microsoft Dynamics® AX business management solutions. Whether you’re

process, repetitive, discrete, lean, project, E2O or (like most companies) some

combination of these, Microsoft Dynamics AX has no problem balancing multiple

business models in a single instance. 
Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP for Manufacturing gives you real-time visibility into

your entire operation - up and down the supply chain and throughout the business

ecosystem – from the shop floor to the top floor. It helps you build more

collaborative and profitable partnerships with suppliers, empowers your employees

with critical business intelligence and collaborative capabilities, and develop deeper,

more responsive relationships with customers. And, it helps you run a more efficient

operation - improving quality, reducing waste, and ensuring compliance. All with

familiar tools your people already know how to use.


At Ellipse Solutions, our Manufacturing expertise goes back decades. Our consultants are as experienced on the shop floor as they are with technology.
Isn’t it time you worked with someone who listens and takes the time to understand your specific needs?
Click Here to view the Simplify Production Floor Management guided tour!
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Related Resources
What ERP is right for my company?
Microsoft Dynamics AX Manufacturing Case Study
Microsoft Dynamics AX ERP for Manufacturing
Microsoft Dynamics AX Manufacturing Case Study
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