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Upgrade Assessment


An Upgrade Assessment is a highly effective way for Ellipse Solutions to assess the complexity of your implementation and to identify areas of concern should an upgrade take place.


It also provides your organization with a clear understanding of the areas of re-work that are expected and to provide clear recommendations on the type of upgrade project you should undertake for your Microsoft Dynamics® implementation.


Business Benefits

The key benefits provided by an Upgrade Assessment include:

  • Confirmation the existing infrastructure can support the upgrade application.

  • Early identification of issues/risks that would occur during an upgrade so appropriate mitigating actions can be taken prior to initiating the upgrade.

  • A level of confidence to project governance that the correct upgrade approach is being taken.


Upgrade Assessment Team

Ellipse Solutions provides a dedicated team of Microsoft Certified Consultants and upgrade specialists for every Microsoft Dynamics AX upgrade. The team follows Microsoft’s best practices for conducting an Upgrade Assessment and upgrade.


Assessment Key Activities:

  • Examine Configuration and Customization - Check the company’s configuration and customization for problems that could arise during or after the upgrade.

  • Examine Custom Interfaces - Check custom interfaces for any problems that may occur during or after the upgrade process.

  • Examine existing Architecture and Software - Check that the existing architecture and software will be able to support the implementation post upgrade.

  • Perform Virtual Upgrade - Execute an upgrade on a customer provided virtual machine image of their environment and document any problems or failures.

Assessment Responsibilities

An Upgrade Assessment includes the following responsibilities for your company and the Microsoft Partner performing the Assessment:

  • Customer

​             -   Provides access to the people responsible for system management, application management and applications development.

             -   Provides access to the company’s environment (Infrastructure and Application) to perform the Upgrade Assessment.

             -   Provisions a Virtual Machine image that is an accurate representation of the company's existing implementation.

  • Ellipse Solutions

​             -   Deliver a report detailing any issues identified during the Upgrade Assessment approximately two weeks after commencing the                     engagement


Assessment Scope

The scope of an Upgrade Assessment includes:

  • Customer architecture configuration.

  • Customer software configuration.

  • Microsoft Dynamics AX configuration and customization performed by the company.

For more information:



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