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Making a Difference: Ellipse Solutions’ Moldovan Team Volunteering with Local Orphanage.


Visiting with “Spiranta si Caritate” children

We all live this life and walk this Earth hoping to mark it with a positive change. Our Ellipse Solutions team is no different. Sure, we strive to be as successful and as competent as we can be, we endeavor to have happy customers and to be an effective and relevant partner for them. But above and beyond that - we hope to be a special place for our team to work at, and to make a positive difference in people’ lives.

Gary Belot (one of our partners at Ellipse Solutions) was approached by Jeff Pittman, who worked as a Program Manager at Asurion. Jeff is an active member of JMI – Justice & Mercy International – a non-profit organization helping poor, disadvantaged and orphaned youth of the world by providing essential programs and services to help them overcome life’s challenges and obstacles . At the time, Jeff had recently returned from his first mission trip to Moldova, where he got involved with some orphaned teenagers living in JMI’s transitional program called “Spiranta si Caritate” (Hope and Charity). The children living under this program have needed assistance on many levels, but one of the more pressing needs was to teach them computer skills that would enhance their academic performance in high school and prepare them for college. Upon learning about our office in Moldova, Jeff wanted to explore the possibility of us being able to help “Spiranta si Caritate” children in any way.

Presented with such an amazing opportunity, our team was very enthusiastic to get involved and help on whatever level we could. The timid initial introduction has blossomed into a heartwarming and rewarding long term relationship. Our team of Software Developers in the Moldovan office has created a systematic Computer Sciences course that included progressive learning of Excel, Word, Power Point and basic programming skills in line with Moldovan high school and early college curriculums. Once a week, our volunteers visit one of the orphanage houses or host the children at our Ellipse Solutions office in Chisinau. Throughout the years, our employees have not only taken turns teaching classes, but we also have upgraded the orphanage houses’ computer networks and have continuously provided technical support. We are lucky to work with such giving and dedicated people, and we are very thankful to our Moldovan team for fostering and developing this relationship.


Alla is teaching a Computer Sciences class to the girls of “Spiranta si Caritate”

It is very exciting to see the fruits of our labor: all the children our team has been mentoring so far have been doing very well in school and on all the tests in related subjects. However, the biggest reward of them all is making a difference in their lives, helping them to become independent young adults, and giving them comfort in knowledge that there are people in this world who care about them. At the end of the day I can honestly say: “I’m proud to be a part of such an amazing team that makes a difference every day by simply being kind and charitable”.


Tanea is celebrating Christmas with the children on one of her visits to their house.

To learn more about JMI or to get involved please visit their website at

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