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AppSource and Dynamics 365: The Next Leap in Microsoft Enterprise Technology

Microsoft is again making strides in the Enterprise sector to transform the way businesses use apps.

In our personal lives, we download and use a plethora of applications to help simplify our day, increase productivity, and enjoy our free time. The purpose of AppSource and Dynamics 365 is to take that same premise and apply it to the business world.


Business applications have been gaining popularity over the last few years, but the process of discovering and trying them is a bit like pulling teeth. With Microsoft’s AppSource, businesses now have a destination for finding and purchasing apps.

Finding the applications you need for your business has never been easier. The new AppSource interface allows business to search by a variety of criteria including category, industry, and platform. After finding an app, users have the ability to evaluate, test, and finally purchase the product.

There are currently 53 Apps for Dynamics AX on AppSource. We are proud to say 6 of them are from Ellipse Solutions!

Dynamics 365 Microsoft has separately offered ERP and CRM software for many years now. Both have performed well in Gartner Quadrants and have seen hefty investments at the development level. Dynamics 365 will combine these already well-established products with Power BI and Cortana as one cloud service.

The flexibility of applications in Dynamics 365 gives customers an opportunity to purchase what they need when they need it. Each application can be deployed independently, which gives a company the power to start with a smaller investment and grow the solution on their terms.

Office 365 will also be seamlessly integrated with Dynamics 365. With these two solutions working in tandem, users will have the ability to increase intelligence and productivity while using their Office applications.

Dynamics 365 is currently slated to release sometime this fall.

Want more information? Contact us at or call 937-312-1547!

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