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AXUG Summit Preview

It’s September 28th. Which means it’s practically October, and once it’s October 11th it’s AXUG Summit 2016 in Tampa, Florida!

Ok, maybe we’re not quite there yet, but it’s definitely time for you to start getting excited if you haven’t already. There’s A LOT to look forward to in Tampa this year from partners (like us!), users (like you!), and some big company from Redmond, WA.

Here are some reasons Tampa is must-attend:

Ye who seek support, shall find support

The AX Fire Department (Booth #113) Look for the guys in AXFD shirts, suspenders and hats! We’re taking an ENTIRE help desk team down to Tampa and literally opening up our help desk in our booth. Whether your need for AX support is as simple as saving a kitten stuck in a tree, or you feel like your entire implementation is on fire, we’ve got you covered. We’ve been putting out the AX fires caused by botched implementations and poor support for a long time, it just took us 10 years to come up with the fire department marketing gimmick.

Medic Support Need some direct help from Microsoft or some All-Star Users? The doctor will see you now. We’re not kidding when we say bring your problems and support needs to AXUG Summit, there’s a good chance you will find help, even if it isn’t from us.

200+ sessions, damn good ones too Our completely biased Top 4 Picks

Microsoft shedding some light on big announcements? In the year since AXUG Summit 2015, Microsoft has really kept everyone on their toes. While there is a ton of positive potential in their actions, there is also a lot of uncertainty. Here’s a quick review:

  • March 2016 – The new, cloud-based Microsoft Dynamics AX (AX7) is released

  • April 2016 - Microsoft officially ends Convergence and replaces it with Envision

  • June 2016 – Microsoft acquires LinkedIn for $26.2 billion

  • July 2016 – AppSource is released and Dynamics 365 is introduced

Many more bullet points could be added, but the ones above alone are enough to see Microsoft is making moves in terms of both cloud and enterprise. A quick glance at the session guide shows that they are hosting a few sessions on Dynamics 365 and who knows what new information will be available by the time Summit rolls around. The session guide is your friend If you’re looking for specific topics from Ellipse Solutions, Microsoft or other users: check out the session guide. You can look up sessions by date, time, speaker, level, track, keyword and more. With so many to choose from and the ability to easily plan your day on the AXUG Summit App, everyone will find something useful.

The expo floor (more than free pens and stress balls) Clearly, Booth #113 is a must-see Did we mention that we will have a FULL FREAKIN’ HELP DESK TEAM at this Summit? No? Quick recap, look for the guys and gals in the AXFD t-shirts to help you out with all your support needs. This is your opportunity to literally speak face to face with our help desk. We’d send smoke signals to go with the whole fire department theme, but we’re pretty sure they’d kick us out. You want even more? Try your hand at our popular AX Millionaire game. It features a mix of Dynamics AX and other Microsoft questions. Own the high score at the end of the conference and you could win a Microsoft Band 2! Also, since it is the 10 year anniversary of Ellipse Solutions, anyone who stops by will also get a scratch off card with a chance to win a gift card worth anything from $10 to $100!

Ok, #711 is a must-see too With Microsoft shifting its conference line-up, namely the change from Convergence to Envision, AX and Dynamics products as a whole became mere mentions in the big picture. This doesn’t mean AX is going anywhere, it just means Microsoft is now fully recognizing and embracing the value of Summit as the go-to for AX users.

This year, they are committing more time, money and resources to supporting Summit than ever before. That means their booth is worth checking out, at the very least.

Network, network, network Especially if this is your first Summit, don’t be afraid to reach out to your fellow users. This is a user group summit, after all. If your business isn’t already active with your local AXUG chapter, Summit is a good place to get started. We know some great chapter leaders in a few states, so don’t hesitate to ask us if you need to be pointed in the right direction!

Stop by and ask us about getting an invite to this:

... See you soon?

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